Friday, July 29, 2011

3DS Price Dropped and Iwata's Salary Cut in 1/2

I know what you're thinking... "Man I should have waited on buying my 3DS!" At a meeting on the company's financial results Nintendo President Satoru Iwata explained the reason behind this drastic move. He said, "First, since the launch of Nintendo 3DS, one of the things we have learned is that it has taken longer than we had originally expected in order for the appeal of this product to widely spread." The other reason is creating loyalty with publishers and retailers. This is to ensure their software sales are optimized by the time christmas comes along.

"The retailers worldwide decide the allocations of store shelves and which products to focus on for the year-end sales season by looking at the results of the summer sales. Software publishers are currently reviewing which development teams will work on which projects, and the results of which shall be launched next year and beyond. Removing their concerns on the sales of Nintendo 3DS hardware will be very critical for us to be able to enrich the applicable software in the years to come."

Just months from it's launch the 3DS price from $249.99 will be lowered to $169.99. This is accompanied with top officials having pay cuts including Iwata. The pay cuts consist of representative directors down 30%, other directors 20%, and Iwata himself by 50%.

Nintendo does not want repeat the PS3 fiasco where after launch the enflamed hardware price hampered software sales. Balanced off with slow hardware sales to come along. Looks like Nintendo is gearing up to try and boost their upcoming first party software (specifically Mario Kart 7, and Super Mario 3D Land).

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